21 credit points
Admission requirements
Learning outcomes
Evaluate and employ science and engineering knowledge and skills to the solution of complex Engineering problems and broader aspects of Engineering practice.
Systematically investigate, interpret, analyse and create innovative solutions to advanced Engineering problems by using the major theories of the Engineering fundamentals, and natural and physical sciences. This includes hydrology, hydraulics, bio-geo-chemical cycles, thermodynamics, environmental science, energy management, resource recovery.
Identify and critically appraise current research developments, advanced technologies, emerging issues and interdisciplinary linkages impacting the Engineering discipline, including sustainable Engineering practice and engineering design, modelling, life cycle analysis, water/energy/waste auditing
Identify, analyse and communicate the interactions between systems, practice and people for a sustainable engineering environment.
Interpret and apply specialised engineering knowledge, skills and competencies to an open-ended research or industrial task in the field of Environmental Engineering
Evaluate and apply systematic Engineering approaches, including synthesis and design processes to the conduct and management of Environmental Engineering projects.
Apply well developed ethical and professional behaviour to broad areas of Engineering practice.
Develop advanced oral and written communication in professional and lay domains.
Demonstrate effective team membership and team leadership, recognising the value of alternative and diverse viewpoints