This minor provides students with opportunities to extend their mathematics content pedagogic knowledge and understanding of how children learn mathematics, to the zero to eight age group. It also strengthens their capacity to more effectively diagnose and teach children who are experiencing learning difficulties in mathematics. Students are provided with … For more content click the Read More button below.
This minor provides students with opportunities to extend their mathematics content pedagogic knowledge and understanding of how children learn mathematics, to the zero to eight age group. It also strengthens their capacity to more effectively diagnose and teach children who are experiencing learning difficulties in mathematics. Students are provided with opportunities to utilise appropriate diagnostic approaches and tools, and to interpret what children say and do in order to plan for further learning. They will plan and carry out intentional and focused teaching strategies and assess the effectiveness of those learning experiences for children with a range of learning needs. Students will need to be enrolled in the Primary Major for the Bachelor of Education (B1319) in order to undertake study in this Minor.