
Psychology is the study of human behaviour and mental processes. At Murdoch, we teach the established basis of psychological knowledge and methods integrated with the latest developments in the field. Psychology encompasses many aspects of human behaviour from individualdifferences in personality and intelligence, to emotions, motivations, memory, thought processes and … For more content click the Read More button below.


Academic Chair

Available in courses

H1275 - Bachelor of Laws Honours / Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
B1347 - Bachelor of Criminology / Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
B1354 - Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
H1276 - Bachelor of Laws Honours / Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
B1355 - Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
B1339 - Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
B1352 - Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science / Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
B1388 - Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)

Admission requirements

Entry requirements (onshore)
English language requirements

Learning outcomes


demonstrate knowledge of the core concepts in psychology


demonstrate knowledge of the major methods of investigation used in psychological research


communicate psychological knowledge, adhering to current conventions within the discipline


present a sustained argument that synthesises psychological research to address a topic


critically evaluate arguments and empirical research in a psychological context


design empirical studies to answer questions about human behaviour and mental processes


demonstrate knowledge of the ethical and legal frameworks that apply to the profession of psychology


independently conduct a literature search for a particular purpose

Professional outcomes

Other information