
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) involves students independently researching a specific topic under the guidance of a supervisor. The aim of the PhD is to foster the development of independent research skills including the capacity to formulate a problem, develop mastery of appropriate conceptual and methodological skills to address it, … For more content click the Read More button below. Graduate research offers an opportunity for you to develop a research project that fascinates you and acquire critical thinking and research skills that will transform the way you see the world. The process of completing your thesis means you have exciting opportunities to: * Make an original contribution to human knowledge. * Work with and be challenged by top academics and experts in your field, as well as attending national and international conferences. * Experience the joy of spending several years exploring a research topic you're passionate about. * Gain knowledge and critical thinking skills that will change the way you see the world. Candidature for research degrees is offered in all Schools. The University encourages research in interdisciplinary areas as well as in the basic disciplines. For further information on Graduate Research Degrees, see the Future Research Students web site: http://goto.murdoch.edu.au/FutureResearchStudents

Admission requirements

Enrolment restrictions
Special requirements
Entry requirements (onshore)
Entry requirements (transnational)
English language requirements

96 credit points

Required Units96 credit points
MajorNo credit points

Professional outcomes

Professional recognition
Accrediting bodies