For political, economic, environmental and cultural reasons, Japan and Indonesia will play an increasingly important role in contemporary global change. The Graduate Diploma in Asian Language (In-Country) offers the opportunity to study the literature, media, religion, history, politics, economics, sociology and anthropology of Japan or Indonesia in the relevant language … For more content click the Read More button below.
Study Environment
Study is undertaken in an intensive, immersion environment, unavailable at undergraduate environment in Australia.
The Graduate Certificate in Asian Studies may be substituted for one semester of in-country study in Japan or Indonesia to satisfy partial requirements for the Diploma in Asian Studies.
Admission requirements
Enrolment restrictions
Special requirements
Entry requirements (onshore)
English language requirements
Learning outcomes
This Graduate Diploma is designed to provide a structured program of learning to achieve advanced knowledge of the relevant Asian language, together with the effective knowledge and awareness of the social, cultural, political and linguistic context of the language’s usage domain. This linguistic competence will be based on the achievement of advanced verbal and written skills, and demonstrative ability to articulate complex ideas, states, and intentions, and to frame and articulate knowledge in the relevant language.
24 credit points
Course Core24 credit points
Professional outcomes
Accrediting bodies