Admission requirements
Learning outcomes
Demonstrate coherent and advanced knowledge of the general theoretical, disciplinary, and ethical aspects of psychology, including the theoretical and empirical bases underpinning cognitive and personality assessments, evidence-based approaches to psychological intervention, and the influence of social, historical, professional, and cultural contexts on the science and practice of psychology.
Review, analyse, consolidate, and synthesise knowledge and skills to critique, design, and implement research to answer current and future questions about human behaviour and mental processes.
Complete an individual and independent research project in psychology, applying skills to: a) conduct an empirical literature review; b) develop a research question; c) design methods for a research project; d) collect, analyse, and interpret data; and e) report findings in a written and oral format.
Demonstrate an awareness of values and ethical considerations in psychology research.
Demonstrate a critical awareness of the ethical and legal frameworks of the profession of psychology that guide psychological practise in Australia, with an emphasis on the Code of ethics.
Communicate a clear and coherent exposition of psychological knowledge and ideas to a range of stakeholders, including research and professional audiences, and work independently to sustain learning, personal, and professional development