Admission requirements
Learning outcomes
Foundational knowledge in one of a number of discipline streams: Arts and Communication; Business; Information Technology.
Communication, numeracy and literacy skills that enable graduates to present their knowledge and views to different audiences using a variety of mediums;
Ability to read, listen, question and gather information from a variety of sources;
Cognitive skills to assess, write clearly, speak effectively and use visual communication technologies as appropriate;
Ability to organise, analyse, compare, plan and apply knowledge to problem solving situations found within the classroom and workplace and work effectively with others;
Ability to apply the knowledge and skills acquired:
ï‚· in particular contexts where they will explore the challenges of contemporary society, have respect for diversity, be open-minded, sensitive to others and inclusive and to be open to other cultures and perspectives;
ï‚· in contexts where students are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning and to learn to be successful life-long learners;
 in contexts where students are encouraged to work with others in group work activities and projects to achieve common goals and support one another’s learning; and
ï‚· in specific contexts within their areas of speciality, where students will apply their learning to situations within their class, work or community and examine their place in those environments.