Progression between years
Students must successfully complete all required units in the first year of the BSc (Veterinary Biology) course, at the first attempt, to be guaranteed progression into the second year.
Students will not be permitted to enter the DVM component of the course until they have completed all units and unit components from the BSc (Veterinary Biology), or equivalent, and are eligible for the award of the BSc.
Students will not be eligible to enter the final year of the veterinary course without passing or having advanced standing for all units comprising the previous years of the veterinary course.
Unit Fails and Withdrawals
In the BSc component, students may fail no more than one unit in each year set of units (that is, the units normally undertaken in each calendar year of the course under standard full-time enrolment), regardless of whether these are completed in the same calendar year. Students who fail more than one unit in any year set of units, or who fail more than one unit in any one calendar year, will be excluded from the course after a formal interview process with the Academic Chair.
In the DVM component, students may fail no more than two units in each year set of units (that is, the units normally undertaken in each calendar year of the course under standard full-time enrolment), regardless of whether these are completed in the same calendar year. Students who fail more than two units from any year set of units, or who fail more than two units in any one calendar year, will be excluded from the course after a formal interview process with the Academic Chair.
A fail in any unit means that the unit will need to be repeated, whilst maintaining the minimal academic progression for completion of that component. Permission to overload will not be given to students who have failed a core unit.
Students have the option of withdrawing from a unit but should first discuss this with the relevant Academic Chair. Students who withdraw after the Census Date, or who fail a unit, can apply for retrospective withdrawal.
Students failing units, withdrawing from units or obtaining retrospective withdrawal from units but NOT taking a period of intermission/approved leave must maintain the following minimal academic progression:
i) Students must complete the 2nd and 3rd years of the BSc in 3 or less calendar years.
ii) Students must complete the DVM component of the veterinary course in 4 or less calendar years.
Students taking a period of intermission/approved leave must maintain the following minimal academic progression:
i) Students must complete the 2nd and 3rd years of the BSc in 4 or less calendar years, including any period(s) of intermission/approved leave.
ii) Students must complete the DVM component of the veterinary course in 4 or less calendar years, including any period(s) of intermission/approved leave.Students can withdraw after the start of a teaching period, or be granted retrospective withdrawal, from a unit only once.
Students attempting a unit for the second time must pass the unit at the first attempt. If a student withdraws after the start of a teaching period, or is granted retrospective withdrawal, from the same unit a second time, they will not be permitted a third enrolment in the unit.
Second year BSc students with advanced standing, or those repeating 2nd year units after failure, or withdrawal after the start of a teaching period, or retrospective withdrawal, may apply to the Academic Chair for permission to take one or two units from the 3rd year set of units in order to maintain a balanced load.