
The LLM (Res) is a research degree designed for students who wish to undertake specialised research in law. All students are required to produce a thesis of up to 60,000 words (including footnotes)(24 points) and complete advanced coursework in research training (12 points). Students entering the degree with evidence of … For more content click the Read More button below.


Academic Chair

Admission requirements

Enrolment restrictions
Special requirements
Entry requirements (onshore)
English language requirements

Learning outcomes


Define a legal research question and identify appropriate research techniques for answering it;


Independently review, analyse and synthesise primary and secondary material – with the secondary material to reflect the chosen research method;


Demonstrate detailed knowledge, and an advanced
understanding, of a specific area of legal knowledge or legal practice;


Exercise critical thinking and judgment in developing an argument that responds to the legal question; 


Produce a thesis that
a. reflects a distinctive contribution to legal knowledge and/or; and
b. shows a clear topic and argument, sound reasoning, a coherent exposition of knowledge, effective writing (including clear expression) and compliance with established academic style requirements.