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Learning outcomes


Demonstrate the fundamental principles which govern DC and AC circuits and systems and be able to apply these principles to the solution of practical engineering problems.


Evaluate the fundamental principles of digital electronics and be able to apply these principles to the solution of practical engineering problems.


Use computational aids in solving electrical circuit problems.


Build, analyse and test electrical elements and DC, AC and digital electronics circuits


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Additional information

Unit content:
  • Introduction to voltage/current source, resistance, inductance, capacitance
  • Equivalent impedance and simplified circuits models including Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits.
  • KVL, KCL, nodal analysis, mesh analysis for dc circuits
  • Introduction to 1st and 2nd order circuits
  • Coupled inductors and ideal transformers
  • Ac circuits and phasors, ac impedance, V-I characteristics
  • KVL, KCL, nodal analysis, mesh analysis for AC circuits
  • Frequency response and filters
  • Three-phase ac and various power calculations
  • Digital electronics - Various digital logic functions and Boolean logic, introduction to timer, multiplexer, flip-flops, etc.