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Enrolment rules

Enrolment in Bachelor of Nursing B1417

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Learning outcomes


Demonstrate effective communications skills for providing therapeutic strength-based nursing care through verbal, written or digital mediums


Recognise the importance of effective communication for ensuring patient safety including intra- and interprofessional communication.


Describe potential barriers to effective communication, and consider strategies for communicating across diverse patient populations


Demonstrate academic integrity and professional communication skills in all academic work.


Identify the importance of receiving and integrating feedback within academic and professional contexts to develop practice.


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Additional information

Unit content:

Academic Communication - Academic Integrity, Academic Writing, Effective Study Skills,

Introduction to Evidence - Levels of Evidence, Types of Evidence, Library and literature searches, Referencing

Feedback - Feedback models, receiving and giving feedback, responding to feedback

Professional Communication - verbal and non verbal communication, active listening, 

Therapeutic Communication - patient centred communication, interpersonal communication, enablers and barriers to effective communication

Communicating with Patients - Patient Interviews, Collecting a Health History

Communicating for Safety - Clinical Handover (ISOBAR/ISBAR), Written Notes (DAP/SOAP/Systems), legal considerations, confidentiality, documentation, digital communication platforms 

Communicating with Diverse Populations

Teamwork and Interprofessional Communication

Challenging communication - difficult conversations, graded assertiveness