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Enrolment rules

Students who have completed ICT564 Wireless Networks may not enrol in this unit for credit.
Enrolment in a graduate IT course or permission of the Academic Chair.

Other learning activities

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Learning activities

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Learning outcomes

Implement, test and troubleshoot large scale WiFi networks
Explain and implement a range of mechanisms to secure wireless networks
Describe the physical and data-link layer characteristics of a range of wireless and broadband technologies
Configure a range of tunneling mechanisms and describe where each is appropriate
Describe the mechanisms being used in the transition to IPv6
Independently research, write and present on a research topic of your choosing.


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Additional information

Unit content:The following topics will be covered: • The WiFi MAC layer • The WiFi Physical layer • RF Engineering, error detection and correction • WiFi Performance enhancements • Wireless WAN and PAN technologies • Wired Broadband technologies and operation • Link layer authentication and encryption • Tunnelling services Contemporary research issues.