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Enrolment rules
Students who have completed BMS261 Human and Comparative Biochemistry or ANS251 Agricultural Biochemistry or VET241 Veterinary Biochemistry may not undertake this unit for credit.
Enrolment in BSc (Veterinary Biology)/DVM; successful completion of all BSc (Veterinary Biology)/DVM Part I units, or accepted equivalents.
Enrolment in BSc (Animal Science)/BAnimal Science/BSc (Animal Health); successful completion of BIO152 Foundations of Cell Biology; Foundations of Cell and Molecular Biology; Cell Biology.
Other learning activities
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Learning activities
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Learning outcomes
Understanding of DNA and gene regulation in relation to health and disease
Understand protein structure and the consequences of defects in the structure of proteins
Outline how enzymes function and the importance of enzyme assays
Key principals of hormone action at the molecular level
Integrated knowledge of intermediary metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and lipids
Metabolism of individual tissues such as adipose tissue, liver, and muscle and contributions to homeostasis
Understanding rumen metabolism
Understand the digestion and absorption of nutrients by herbivores, omnivores and carnivores and their utilisation in the body
Outline and discuss the biochemistry of muscles and muscle contraction
B) CLINICAL PROFICIENCY: Clinical Problem-Solving and PROFESSIONAL LIFE SKILLS: Collaboration
Apply underlying biochemical principles in a clinical setting and interpret and understand the limitations of the test results
Demonstrate competency at basic practical laboratory techniques such as pipetting and the use of centrifuges and spectrophotometers
Perform biochemical calculations such as dilutions
Interpret results from biochemical assays and relate results to underlying biochemical principles
Work effectively as a member of a multi-disciplinary team
Demonstrate willingness to work effectively in a team with other relevant students
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Additional information
Unit content:Content covered will be:
· Enzymes
· Protein structure and folding diseases
· DNA structure, synthesis and mutations
· Transcription, translation and disease
· Molecular diagnostics
· Hormones
· Carbohydrates
· Lipids
· Amino acids
· Digestion and Absorption
· Rumen Metabolism