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Students who have successfully completed both CHE201/PEC201 Thermodynamics and CHE247/PEC247 Chemical Processes cannot enrol in this unit for credit.
CHE202 Physical Chemistry I.
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Unit content:Redox in homogeneous solutions, in cells at inert electrodes and in reference electrodes
Electrodes of the first and second kinds including electro-active ions in solution, transport numbers, conductivity and the pH and Eh electrode systems
Applications of electrochemistry including potentials and the Nernst equation, the relationship between concentration and potential plus voltammetry
Vapour-liquid phase equilibria in binary solutions, ideal mixtures, real mixtures, phase diagrams, Gibbs-Duhem equation, azeotropic mixtures and boiling point elevation
Gas-Liquid equilibrium, solubility of gases in liquids, salting out effect, liquid-liquid equilibria in binary solutions, level rule
Solid-liquid equilibria, solubility of solids in melts, freezing point depression, equilibrium in ternary mixtures
Experimental techniques in kinetics with a focus on fast reactions, perturbation and on sophisticated data analysis
The transition state
The application of the steady state approximation to predicting or explaining observed rate laws
Complicated reaction mechanisms including explosions, diffusion controlled reactions, unimolecular reactions and parallel reactions
Proton transfer reactions, including homogenous catalysis by protons or hydroxide.