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Enrolment rules
Students who have successfully completed JOU217/MCC217 Web News Production may not enrol in this unit for credit.
JOU104 Introduction to Journalism OR COM104 Digital Newsgathering and Reporting AND IDD129 / COM109 Digital Media Skills. Highly recommended: MCC245 Media Law and Ethics (JOU245 Media Law and Ethics)
Other learning activities
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Learning activities
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Learning outcomes
Distinguish the role of online media in the media landscape.
Distinguish the various aspects of online production.
Research, carry out interviews and write news and feature stories that will work on the web.
Produce suitable multimedia content for consumption through a news web site.
Select and present appropriate stories and other editorial material for a particular readership.
Carry out editing functions of a production journalist, including copy subbing, writing headlines, manipulating images and uploading material to a website.
Discern legal or ethical problems that arise in publishing.
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Additional information
Unit content:This unit will provide students with the basic skills to be able to survive well in the ever-changing environment of web newsrooms. Journalistic and writing skills are as important as they’ve ever been, but the method of delivery is changing and keeps changing. To keep pace with these changes, this unit will provide students with the knowledge and skills to be able to apply what they have learnt to produce rich, up to date content for a web news environment.