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Enrolment rules

Successful completion of EDN111 Language for Learning and Teaching or BED150/ EDN112 Understanding Teachers' Work or EDU101/EDU1011 Introduction to Teaching or enrolment in a graduate-entry Bachelor of Education (Primary). Co-requisite (for all students): Digital completion of assignments as stipulated in the Unit Information and Learning Guide.
Students who have successfully completed EDU207 Primary Curriculum IIA (Arts, Health, Physical Education, and Technology and Enterprise), EDU217 Primary Curriculum IIB (Arts, Health and Physical Education), EDN225, EDN2251 OR EDN227 may not enrol in this unit for credit.

Other learning activities

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Learning activities

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Learning outcomes

Knowledge of arts elements, concepts, content and practice for Early Childhood and Primary teaching
Arts curriculum structures and practice in Early Childhood and Primary schools (including the Early Years Framework, Australian Curriculum: The Arts, Western Australian P-10 Syllabus).
Arts teaching strategies through studio practices. • Age and developmentally appropriate arts teaching strategies (including managing arts and safe practice) designed to progress learning in the arts • Planning and implementing learning sequences for the arts that provide challenge for learners, address curriculum with a range of contemporary strategies (including ICT) • Assessing, evaluating, moderating and reporting arts achievement
Identity as an arts teacher: • value and apply the principles of embodied learning (connecting cognitive, somatic and affective dimensions); collaboration and group processes; and, physical, active and hands-on approaches • reflective and reflexive about own arts learning and teaching.


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Additional information

Unit content:Introductions to teaching the Arts in Early Childhood and Primary through practical, embodied learning, practice based research and studio/workshops in: * Dance * Drama * Media Arts * Music * Visual Arts. Planning for teaching the arts using age and developmentally appropriate teaching strategies. Assessment of student learning in the Arts Evaluating effectiveness of arts teaching and learning. Reflective and reflexive approaches to teaching and learning the arts The Key Topics in this unit are: Topic 1: Impact of History, Culture and Power on the meaning, language and construction of the Arts Topic 2: Visual Arts looking at Landscape and Country, drawing, painting and 3D models Topic 3. Media Arts, Narrative, Story and stop-motion animation. Topic 4: Integration, Creativity Play and Imagination. Topic 5: Drama & Performance, Mimesis Kinesis to Poesies. Topic 6 ISTAR and Pedagogies of Practice and Possibility. Topic 7 : Dance, from movement to Paulo Freire and Capoeira. Topic 8 Music and Voice, Hip Hop, Opera the Violin and the Didgeridoo
Other notes:This unit is studied with EDN248 Teaching Health and Physical Education in Early Childhood and Primary. It is highly recommended that EDN236 and EDN248 be studied in the same semester as EDN2104 Professional Experience: BEd Primary.