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Learning outcomes


Communicate IoT technical skills is system development, basic programming, logic, electronics and design


Research and analyse a complex problem from an existing study or work domain and craft an informed, unique IoT proposal to help solve this problem


Critically reflect upon and evaluate feedback received on a proposal and revise appropriately


Prepare and deliver an oral presentation


Transform and communicate a problem from an existing specialisation into something for general audiences. The student will then use their knowledge, grounded by the hands on IoT technical content, to try to address this problem.


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Additional information

Unit content:

The unit content is primarily focused on transforming and communicating a problem from an existing specialisation for the student expert domain into something for general audiences. The student will then use their hands-on knowledge from the technical IoT workshops to address this problem, while carefully planning the technical knowledge areas required for the student to bring this idea to fruition. The Cisco IoT
Fundamentals: Connecting Things course is used to provide the readings and guide the curriculum. In addition to the Cisco course, the unit will provide opportunities to improve reading, writing, critical thinking and speaking skills. Resources are provided to improve these skills in isolation but academic feedback on the written and oral proposal will also support the improvement of these skills in context. The online technical workshops, using the Raspberry Pi hardware platform, will guide students through the design of different IoT prototype elements and demonstrate the capacity for data to be captured process and acted upon