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Academic contacts
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Enrolment rules
Students who have completed LAW323/LEG223/LLB323 Social and Welfare Law may not enrol in this unit for credit.
Successful completion of LEG100 Law, Justice and Social Policy or LEG150 Australian Legal System (prior to 2012) or BUS165 Principles of Commercial Law or BSL165 Foundations of Business Law or permission of the Unit Coordinator and Academic Chair.
Other learning activities
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Learning activities
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Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the unit you should be able to critically analyse the legal and non-legal issues that commonly appear in various fields of law such as Tenancy, Employment, Social Security, Discrimination, Violence Restraining Orders and Consumer Credit.
On successful completion of the unit you should be able to critique specific issues associated with access to justice for disadvantaged groups and working as an advocate in the social justice field.
To view assessment information, please select an offering from the drop-down menu above.