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Enrolment rules
Enrolment in the Doctor of Education or Master of Education (Research).
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Learning activities
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Learning outcomes
Sound understanding and appreciation of major paradigms framing educational research.
Ability to engage others in experiencing different ways of knowing, being and valuing associated with key paradigms.
Critical understanding of how their own research study is governed by one or more key paradigms.
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Additional information
Unit content:Twenty-first century educational researchers have a number of key paradigms at their disposal, including positivism, post-positivism, interpretivism, criticalism, postmodernism and integralism.
A paradigm comprises a distinctive epistemology (way of knowing), ontology (way of being and becoming), axiology (way of valuing) and methodology (way of thinking, feeling, acting). The type of knowledge produced by a particular paradigm depends on how these four interrelated aspects are designed to fit together.
To investigate the challenging complexities of educational policies and practices that we confront in our rapidly globalising digital world, and to attempt to resolve them, contemporary researchers are designing studies that draw on two or more paradigms. Multi-paradigmatic studies produce multiple forms of knowledge that can be represented via a range of genres from various disciplines, including the Arts.
This unit enables students to gain first-hand understanding and appreciation of various ways of knowing, being and valuing and of various representational genres.