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Academic contacts
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Enrolment rules
Students who have successfully completed SSH620 Advanced Policy Case Study cannot enrol in this unit for credit.
Enrolment in the Master of Public Policy and Management, Master of Development Studies, Master of International Affairs, Master of International Affairs and Security, Master of Health Administration, Policy and Leadership or Master of Health Policy and Leadership Affairs; completion of at least 24 credit points.
Other learning activities
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Learning activities
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Learning outcomes
Preparation and compilation of a literature review. Apply current research to a specific policy issue.
Analyse the impacts and propose solutions or recommendations.
(WIL option) Locate and analyse the profile and ambit of their WIL organisation within the relevant policy space.
(WIL option) Coherently present this information in an oral format.
To view assessment information, please select an offering from the drop-down menu above.
Additional information
Unit content:No specified unit content is listed as students choose their own topic (in consultation with academic staff) and develop expertise on a specific subject area.