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Learning outcomes
Articulate the theoretical and practical bases for mixed methods research.
Describe and critically evaluate the benefits and limitations of both mixed methods and multimethod approaches to research.
Demonstrate how to interpret the findings of mixed methods research and critique representative empirical research studies.
Demonstrate how to analyse, integrate and interpret multiple data sources, inclusive of basic quantitative data analysis using computer software.
Apply the principles of mixed methods design to chosen research questions.
Conceptualise and develop research topics of interest and evaluate the suitability of mixed methods and multimethod designs.
Additional information
The unit introduces the key concepts and debates around mixed methods and multimethod research approaches, and provides opportunities to develop relevant practical skills. Topics include: *Paradigm and approaches *Design traditions and models * Designing mixed methods studies * Analysing, integrating and interpreting data * Reading and critiquing studies using mixed methods and multimethod research.
Reading, activities and assignment work of about 270 hours.