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Academic contacts
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Enrolment rules
Enrolment in C1083 Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration (MasterClass) or C1115 Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (MasterClass).
Other learning activities
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Learning activities
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Learning outcomes
Distinguish between leadership and management;
Evaluate, interrelate and apply the four capabilities of sensemaking, relating, visioning and inventing;
Analyze the principles of leading adaptive work and the difference between technical and adaptive challenges;
Apply the tools introduced in this unit to promote engagement.
Demonstrate high quality communication skills, including preparing and delivering oral presentations.
Work effectively in a team to achieve a shared objective.
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Additional information
Unit content:
The unit focuses on distributed leadership where everyone in the organisation contributes to developing the organisation's leadership capability and developing personal awareness of these leadership capabilities. 'What is leadership?' 'What do leaders do?' 'What determines a leader's success or failure?' and 'What is the difference between leading and managing?' The Sloan Distributed Leadership Model Ronald Heifetz's work on Adaptive Leadership.
Other notes:
Taught intensively during the Summer study period. Due to the nature of offering this unit students are recommended to seek confirmation of the exact attendance dates and requirements from the Unit Coordinator closer to the commencement date of the teaching period.