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Enrolment rules
Enrolment in an Honours or Graduate-level course
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Learning activities
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Learning outcomes
Use the findings of the IPCC’s Assessment reports to understand and explain the predicted global and regional climate changes due to human induced global warming and their predicted impacts.
Understand how to use the science of climate change to determine projected changes in climate variables and use downscaling climate modelling tools to map these effects to local regions.
Determine the predicted climate change effects and impacts on different economic sectors and individual entities;
Understand how to use established frameworks, scientific, risk based tools and approaches to identify and rank the potential climate change impacts and risks for an entity.
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Additional information
Unit content:The unit looks at how to determine the likely impact of climate change on regions, countries, different economic sectors (e.g. agriculture) and individual entities. Through practical examples it teaches how to use established frameworks and scientific risk based tools and approaches to identify and rank the potential climate change impacts and risks for an entity. Climate change risk assessments from case studies of a number of sectors and entities will be used to illustrate the risk assessment process.