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Enrolment rules
Enrolment in BSc (Veterinary Biology)/DVM; successful completion of all BSc (Veterinary Biology)/DVM Part I units, or accepted equivalents.
Enrolment in the BSc (Animal Health)
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Learning outcomes
Identify to genus or species level, with the aid of taxonomic keys, all the major parasites that affect cats, dogs, horses, sheep, cattle, pigs and poultry in Australia.
Describe, in general terms, the life cycles and transmission patterns of the important phyla of parasitic protozoa, classes of parasitic playtheminths, orders of parasitic nematodes and orders of parasitic arthropods.
Perform and interpret common diagnostic procedures in parasitology.
Communicate the results of these diagnostic procedures concisely and accurately.
Describe the mechanisms by which parasites cause disease or reduce productivity in companion animals and livestock .
Consistently formulate reasoned diagnoses of parasitic diseases from clinical signs and symptoms.
Develop treatment plans to improve the health, welfare and productivity of infected hosts.
Formulate cost-effective control programs for parasitic diseases, based on a knowledge of parasite biology and an understanding of the principles of integrated pest management.
Inform clients and the general public about the risks posed by zoonotic parasites.
Understand the role played by parasites in natural ecosystems, and decide when treatment and control programs for parasites are necessary and when they are counter-productive.
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