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Enrolment rules

Enrolment in BSc (Veterinary Biology)/DVM; Successful completion of all 2nd and 3rd year units.

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Learning outcomes

Integrate theoretical knowledge on benchmark figures, production systems and management practices for small ruminant enterprises in Australia, to formulate a holistic herd health plan to an owner.
Describe the general information that should be obtained when taking a history for an individual animal or a group of animals.
Describe how to perform a complete clinical examination in sheep, goats and camelids and competently examine a sheep and a goat.
Describe the clinical signs, pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of the common sheep, goat and camelid diseases, including the relevant preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of these diseases.
Explain the principles involved in solving herd problems including disease outbreaks, illthrift, infertility and increased lamb mortality.
Be able to explain how to perform each of the following procedures: rumenotomy, eye ablation under regional anaesthesia, ruminant hoof trimming, claw amputation under regional anaesthesia, epidural injection, breeding soundness examination in the ram and buck, pregnancy diagnosis in the ewe and doe.
Be able to explain the specific use, mode of action and appropriate withdrawal times for the different classes of anthelmintics, parasiticides and antimicrobials in common use in small ruminants and camelids.
Be able to communicate and disseminate knowledge related to the above
Be able to perform the following procedures: rumenotomy, regional anaesthesia for a rumenotomy, sedation or general anaesthesia of small ruminants.
Further topic specific outcomes will be made available in the small ruminant and camelid health and production reader.


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Additional information

Unit content:1. Herd Health Management in small ruminants: • Sheep and Goat facts – benchmarking herd health figures • Investigating a flock disease problem • Ewe Management and associated disease • Lamb Management and associated diseases: Lamb to weaning • Lamb Management and associated diseases : Weaners • Ram Management and associated diseases • Fibre Production • Meat Production 2. Clinical diseases and management in small ruminants: • Lameness investigation • Neurological diseases investigation • Diseases of skin and fleece • Conditions associated with Ectoparasites • Conditions associated with Endoparasites • Conditions with nutritional imbalances • Weight and condition loss • Conditions associated with diarrhoea, dysentery and bloat • Diseases of respiratory abnormalities • Emergency conditions, acute deaths • Conditions associated with anaemia, jaundice • Eye conditions 3. Applied Nutrition 4. Applied Ruminant Pharmacology 5. Introduction to camelids 6. Introduction to camelid nutrition 7. Reproduction in camelids with emphasis on alpacas 8. Medicine of camelids 9. Basic field anaesthesia and common surgical procedures in camelids.