
To view overview information, please select an offering from the drop-down menu above.

Academic contacts

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Enrolment rules

Students must be enrolled in B1399 Bachelor of Science (Environmental and Conservation Sciences) within the majors of MJ-ESM Environmental Science and Management, MJ-MB Marine Biology, MJ-CWB Conservation and Wildlife Biology. Additionally, students must have completed 36 credit points towards their degree and have a minimum of a credit average.

Other learning activities

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Learning activities

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Learning outcomes


Effectively integrate and appropriately apply professional practice and skills within an Environmental and Conservation Sciences workplace.


Apply and communicate knowledge of the principles and concepts of Environmental and Conservation Sciences within a workplace setting.


Reflect critically on professional experiences within a workplace setting in the Environmental and Conservation Sciences, and use those reflections to support professional development.


Demonstrate a range of workplace competencies including professionalism, confidentiality, effective communication, time management, effective teamwork, and organisational, cultural & social awareness.


To view assessment information, please select an offering from the drop-down menu above.

Additional information

Unit content:

Content in this unit is tailored to the specific work placement.

Other notes:

Students are not able to self-enrol in this unit. Students will be enrolled into the unit once an approved work placement has been offered to them and confirmed.