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Learning outcomes
Define evolution and discuss the evidence for evolution.
Integrate information from different disciplines and demonstrate a synthetic understanding of how evolution occurs, how evolution can be studied and how the knowledge of evolutionary processes can be applied.
Demonstrate knowledge of the theory behind estimating evolutionary trees and carry out basic phylogenetic analyses
Demonstrate knowledge of evolutionary processes, their evolutionary outcomes and how they interact.
Explain and discuss the evolutionary significance of key areas of evolutionary study (adaptation, life history strategies, sexual selection, social behaviour, human health, macroevolution) and their applications in contemporary research.
Demonstrate the ability to undertake independent literature-based research and apply practical research skills to analyse evolutionary data.
Critically evaluate concepts in evolutionary theory and the evidence for them and develop a high level of analytical scientific thinking.
Integrate information and ideas to form a clear and structured argument.
Communicate ideas in a clear and professional scientific manner in written format and spoken presentations.