
To view overview information, please select an offering from the drop-down menu above.

Academic contacts

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Enrolment rules

Enrolment in Graduate Certificate in Forensic Science (Professional Practice) or Graduate Diploma in Forensic Science (Professional Practice) or Master of Forensic Science (Professional Practice) or Master of Forensic Science (Professional Practice and Research).

Other learning activities

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Learning activities

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Learning outcomes


Students will have specialised knowledge within a systematic and coherent body of knowledge that may include the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills in a new or existing discipline or professional area.


Students will have cognitive skills to review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge and identify and provide solutions to complex problems.


Students will have cognitive skills to think critically and to generate and evaluate complex ideas.


Students will have specialised technical skills in the field of Major Incident Forensics.


Students will have communication skills to demonstrate an understanding of theoretical concepts.


Students will have communication skills to transfer complex knowledge and ideas to a variety of audiences.


Students will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills to make high level, independent judgements in a range of technical or management functions in varied specialised contexts.


Students will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills to initiate, plan, implement and evaluate broad functions within varied specialised technical contexts.


Students will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills with responsibility and accountability for personal outputs and all aspects of the work or function of others within broad parameters.


To view assessment information, please select an offering from the drop-down menu above.

Additional information

Unit content:

Key topics covered in this unit include: * The principles of the crime scene investigative processes applicable to serious crimes. * The role of forensic specialists in supporting homicide investigation. * Reconstructive field trip - body recovery scene examination and processing. * Legislation and legal frames works as applied to expert witnesses. * Statement report writing and presentation in moot court. * Scene recording and documentation, forensic photography, mapping and evidence recovery.  * Emerging forensic challenges. * Major incident forensic investigations.

Other notes:

This unit consists of a compulsory, two-day field exercise that may be scheduled within a teaching break, subject to site availability. Please consult the Unit Co-ordinator for precise dates before committing to anything that may render you unavailable to attend.