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Learning outcomes
Understand and identify the fundamentals of blood cell morphology
Understand and identify haematological changes in routine blood disorders such as leukaemia, iron deficiency, infection and haemophilia.
Understand the fundamentals of the ABO and Rhesus Blood Group systems and their their application in blood transfusion
Describe the processes involved in both thrombotic and haemophilic disorders, and describe the testing algorithms used in routine coagulation laboratories to diagnose these conditions.
Demonstrate practical laboratory skills that reinforce theoretical understanding of the above learning outcomes including: a. Blood film morphology investigation
b. Blood grouping using ABO and Rhesus typing, antibody screening and identification, and compatibility testing
c. Coagulation testing for the identification of underlying clotting and bleeding phenotypes.
Additional information
This unit provides a sound biological basis in haematology. It covers three main areas i) Blood composition and cell biology, ii) transfusion medicine, encompassing blood grouping, antibody screening and identification, and blood donor compatibility and cross matching, and iii) coagulation. The unit content is delivered in 34 lectures with 12 laboratories that complement and practically extend the unit’s learning objectives. Content also includes on-line resources hosted via LMS. The unit further benefits from the input of medical laboratory scientists from industry who present specialist lectures from a workplace perspective.
To pass this unit, students are required to 1) achieve a final mark across all assessments of 50% or greater overall 2) demonstrate laboratory skill competency by achieving an average of 50% or greater average for the practical components. These include the Mid semester practical exam, End of year practical exam and Laboratory reports/quizzes.