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Enrolment rules
Students who have successfully completed LAW367 Law of Planning may not enrol in this unit for credit.
Successful completion of all Part I units in the LLB, and LLB358/LAW258 Australian Administrative Law.
Other learning activities
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Learning activities
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Learning outcomes
Describe the underlying principles governing planning law and regulation and apply them to a relevant legal problem;
Identify the key planning and environmental government agencies in Western Australia, the key statutory and policy instruments and the relationships between them;
Identify the relevant approvals required for a given proposal, the relevant planning scheme provisions and policy considerations for the assessment of the proposal, and the likelihood of approval being granted;
Describe how the environmental impact assessment of planning proposals in WA is conducted, the relationship between the planning and environmental assessment regimes, and explain the role of the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development in both regimes;
Identify common legal issues arising in the planning or environmental assessment process of a given proposal and demonstrate how to apply the legal principles governing the use of discretion by the decision-making authority;
Explain the principles and statutory regime governing the reservation and taking of land in WA and payment of compensation for the such actions and apply them in preparing advice on a legal problem(s); and
Describe how the planning appeals system in the State Administrative Tribunal functions, compare its features to those of traditional courts, and explain when planning appeals are available and the statutory provisions governing the resolution of planning matters in the Tribunal;
Recognise legal issues in the fact situations covered in class and discuss the legal problems and how to solve them; share knowledge from pre-readings to the class discussions;
Consider a chosen essay topic, identify and describe the key elements of the topic, research and evaluate the major literature relating to the topic, design a structure for organising the material, develop and present a persuasive and cohesive thesis, argument or theme to address the topic.
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