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Enrolment rules

Enrolment in Graduate Certificate in Policy and Development, Master of Development Studies, Master of Health Administration, Policy and Leadership, Master of Health Policy and Leadership, Master of International Affairs and Security, Master of International Affairs or Master of Public Policy and Management or Master of Community Development.

Other learning activities

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Learning activities

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Learning outcomes

Demonstrate a critical understanding of concepts and theories of development;
Analyse the manner in which practices and discourses of development impact upon target communities;
Critique the motivations of agencies delivering aid and development;
Evaluate the difficulties, both practical and political, of delivering aid;
Explain why aid development remains a contested arena within both national and international spheres:
Explain why the practices and discourses of aid and development reinforce inequitable power relationships between the global north and the global south;
Demonstrate skills of critical analysis, collaborative practice, communication and professionalism appropriate to working in the field of development.


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Additional information

Unit content:This unit will cover a diverse range of topics on aid and development, big theories underpinning development ideologies and practice, Sustainable Development Goals, and a range of topical development issues, for example, fair trade, new development actors, global epidemics and participatory development, with themes central to each topic explored such as gender, poverty, power, and structural inequality.