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Enrolment rules
Concurrent enrolment is permissible with BMS321.
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Learning outcomes
Explain the mechanisms and outline the pathways of progression of each of the general pathological processes covered in the unit.
Describe the typical gross and histomorphologic appearance and features of pathological processes, and predict their sequelae and consequences for the patient.
Interpret the features you see at gross and microscopic level to classify lesions according to: distribution, severity, nature of the change, timing and where possible suggest a possible cause (aetiology).
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Additional information
Unit content:The content of this unit aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop a range of skills relevant to understanding the pathogenesis of a variety of human diseases and the processes of General Pathology.
These include:
1. Theoretical skills. Gain understanding of how cells and tissues in the vertebrate body may be injured, the responses of tissues to injury, and the mechanisms by which injury and responses to injury cause loss of structural and functional integrity i.e. the pathogenesis of disease.
2. Observational skills. Learn to recognize and describe structural abnormalities in tissues (morphologic lesions).
3. Analytical skills. Learn to recognize the components of lesions and classify them by pathologic process (interpret lesions).
4. Synthesis skills. Learn to combine your interpretation of lesions with your understanding of pathogenesis to: a) suggest a cause, b) estimate the stage of lesion development, c) predict the future progression of the process and d) comment on consequences for affected organs and the body as a whole.
5. Communication skills. Learn to communicate your observations, interpretations and comments according to the conventions of the discipline.
6. Interdisciplinary skills. Gain an appreciation of the interdisciplinary nature of science, drawing on your accumulated knowledge of biomedical science.