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Learning outcomes
Demonstrate knowledge of the structure and function of the neuromusculoskeletal and peripheral cardiovascular systems of domestic animals, by: (1a) identifying anatomical structures/regions on a specimen or image, and (1b) describing the functional anatomy and physiological processes of these systems.
At an introductory level, apply knowledge of normal structure and function to solve problems associated with disease or dysfunction of these systems/regions.
Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, with appropriate use of anatomical and physiological nomenclature.
Demonstrate psychomotor skills for identifying and safely dissecting tissues using instruments (pre-surgical skills).
Demonstrate the ability to communicate and work effectively as a member of a productive team.
Consistently demonstrate professional conduct through compliance with relevant policies, and ethical and safe use of animals and animal tissues.
Additional information
1. Basic concepts. Classify bones and articulations, correctly use anatomical nomenclature, understand the basic pentadactyl limb plan and comparative modifications. 2. Limbs and postcranial musculoskeletal system. Discuss the general organisational plan of the forelimb, hindlimb and postcranial musculoskeletal system including the functional anatomy of the bones, joints, ligaments and muscles. 3. Peripheral neuromuscular anatomy. Anatomy of the mammalian peripheral nervous system. 4. Peripheral cardiovascular anatomy. Major peripheral blood vessels and lymph nodes. 5. Equine musculoskeletal anatomy. Specialisations of equine musculoskeletal anatomy related to cursorial locomotion and passive weight bearing. 6. Surface anatomy. Relevant bony prominences, lymph nodes, veins and arteries. 7. Radiographic anatomy and medical imaging. Major skeletal landmarks on plain radiographs and important musculoskeletal structures of the equine distal limb on transversely-oriented ultrasound images. 8. Neurophysiology. Organisation of the nervous system and contribution to movement and the maintenance of posture.