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Learning outcomes
Demonstrate an understanding of the critical relationship between cultural and ecological diversity in the Asian region.
Recognize underlying assumptions associated with a range of interpretations of the social, cultural and ecological issues affecting the Asian region.
Analyse the complex relationships between conservation and development policy in contemporary Asia.
Apply principles of social ecology to the analysis of community resource management and sustainability issues in agriculture, fisheries, forestry, tourism and small industrial sectors.
Additional information
1. Introduction— cultural ecology and sustainability frameworks;
2a. Gatherer-hunters in the Asian region - cultural ecology;
2b. Shifting cultivators in the Asian region - cultural ecology
3. Cultural ecology of peasant societies in the Asian region;
4. Indigenous minorities & national development policies ;
5. Peasant social values: reciprocity & exchange;
6.Transformation of agrarian society: winners & losers
7. Debates on population, sustainability & the 'commons';
8. Urbanisation & industrialisation: changes in labour opportunities;
9. Social & ecological change - marine environment
10. Social & environmental change - tourism
11. Questions of environment, culture & sustainable development;
12.Unfinished business