
To view overview information, please select an offering from the drop-down menu above.

Academic contacts

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Enrolment rules

Completion of 36 points of Master of Food Security or 24 points of Master of Biosecurity including all core units, a GPA of 60% or above, and approval of Academic Chair

Other learning activities

To view other learning activity information, please select an offering from the drop-down menu above.

Learning activities

To view learning activity information, please select an offering from the drop-down menu above.

Learning outcomes


Integrate and apply previous learning and knowledge to policy, practice and problem solving in a workplace setting


Display professionalism in the workplace, including team work, reliability, effective communication, time management and organisational, cultural and social awareness


Express and reflect on their experiences and progress as a professional


Receive constructive critical feedback in a workplace setting.


To view assessment information, please select an offering from the drop-down menu above.

Additional information

Unit content:

Content in this unit is tailored to the specific work placement

Other notes:

Students are required to undertake an internship of 240 hours within a chosen organisation. This can be done full time in one block or spread over a longer time, depending on student circumstances and the availability of a suitable places. Students are required to organise their own internship, and must complete
documentation to have their placement approved by the unit co-ordinator. Students will be given suggestions and ideas about types of internships that may be available and suggested organisations to approach. Students are not able to self-enrol in this unit. Students will be enrolled into the unit once an approved work placement has been offered to them and confirmed.