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Enrolment rules

Enrolment in Master of Counselling. Other students wanting to study this unit can be interviewed by the Unit Coordinator for consideration by the Counselling Academic Chair

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Learning outcomes

Conceptually understand varied trauma presentations in children and adults.
Demonstrate knowledge of prevalence, definitions, context, types of trauma and attachment dynamics.
Describe the developmental, relational, cognitive, emotional and motivational aspects of the after-effects of trauma.
Critically appraise different theories and models related to the processes inherent in traumatisation, treatment and recovery. Apply advanced knowledge of theoretical perspectives and models of resilience and traumatic growth to working with traumatised people.
Be knowledgeable of best-practice in trauma work, including aspects of trust, safety, containment and transparency.
Understand principles of trauma-informed care, recovery and the phases of treatment for complex trauma.
Apply a repertoire of interventions based on a solid understanding of evidence based research.
Demonstrate skills of basic resource and resilience building to promote recovery.
Meaningfully integrate all the above knowledge into a relational stance towards working with trauma survivors and demonstrate clarity on how attachment issues may be present in the therapeutic process.
Revise a personal self-care plan and continue practising self-care interventions to prevent vicarious traumatisation and burn-out.


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