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Learning outcomes
Apply the analytical principles used in clinical biochemistry to measure analytes in body fluids in health and disease.
Develop scientific communication skills, through the reporting of laboratory results, writing laboratory reports, and through interactive analysis and discussion of case studies.
Apply problem solving skills and use diagnostic strategies to interpret laboratory results and clinical data.
Examine your social responsibility, and demonstrate your understanding of ethical issues and responsibilities related to clinical biochemistry and the broader pathology industry.
Additional information
During the first part of semester this unit covers general analytical principles used in clinical biochemistry, such as spectrophotometry, sample collection and processing, the variables that affect laboratory results, reference intervals, quality control and assurance, and sensitivity and specificity related to laboratory methods. During the second part of semester this unit covers the laboratory investigations of renal function, electrolytes and acid/base balance. This unit will cover these topics using an integrated series of lectures, tutorials and practicals. There will be an emphasis on the development of laboratory skills and problem solving through case studies. The specific topics covered include: Introduction to analytical spectrophotometry Units of measurement in clinical biochemistry Specimen collection • Reference intervals • Analytical variables, quality control and quality assurance concepts • Disorders of renal function; electrolytes and hydration; acid/base balance