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Learning outcomes
Critically discuss global issues related to the supply of energy to meet world demand
Develop informed and creative decisions in regard to energy supply
Communicate principles and findings which are researched, structured and written in a professional manner.
Identify, analyse and explain the key issues in energy policy and technology in the local, national and global context
Differentiate between the various key information sources and systems to undertake effective research and enquiry
Establish personal, professional and social responsibility by adhering to the level of ethical conduct and behaviour required in professional practice
Differentiate between general writing styles and outline their use in the context of multidisciplinary energy subjects
Additional information
The unit content is divided into a number of topics. The first topics look at the definition of energy, the conversion to different forms of energy, and the social, economic and political issues related to the use of energy resources. The middle set of topics investigate electricity generation, using both renewable and non-renewable resources, as well as electricity transmission and transmission. The final topics in the unit looks at technologies that can conserve and store energy as well as the environmental issues related to energy consumption.