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Enrolment rules

Enrolment in Master of Health Policy and Leadership, Master of Health Administration, Policy and Leadership, Master of Wildlife Health and Conservation, Master of Business Administration (Global), Master of Veterinary Studies (Conservation Medicine), Graduate Certificate in Health Administration, Policy and Leadership (GCHAPL), Graduate Certificate in One Health (GradCertOneHealth).

Other learning activities

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Learning activities

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Learning outcomes

Describe the concept of health and its determinants, and discuss the relevance of these for contemporary public health policy
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the range of factors that influence public health;
Design an epidemiological study to address a public health problem
Identify and calculate measures used to quantify the link between health exposures and disease outcomes
Demonstrate an understanding of prevention and screening and be able to calculate diagnostic test characteristics;
Characterise potential sources of data error and be able to critically evaluate and interpret epidemiological data, including results of observational studies


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Additional information

Unit content:Key concepts and topics include: - Understanding health ( Public, Population, International and Global health) - The scope of Public Health services and practices - Sources of routine Public Health and epidemiological data - Understanding rates, risk, bias, confounding and causal inferences - Observational study designs: Cohort, case-control, cross-sectional and ecological - Experimental study designs: Randomised and non-randomised - Systematic review and critical appraisal - Epidemiology in range of fields with special interests e.g. nutritional and non-communicable diseases - Prevention strategies and principles of screening