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Learning activities
Learning outcomes
Communicate scientific data, information and arguments effectively in writing, and speaking to scientific peer groups and the broader community
Apply the agricultural and bio-security knowledge and skills that will be learnt including field and laboratory acquisition of data, evaluation of this data and information from a variety of sources, and combining this data into a summary report.
Collect, record, analyse and interpret crop protection information using the conventions of scientific argument, judgement, deduction and communication
Work effectively in team environments, including teams with intercultural and interdisciplinary diversity
Additional information
The unit will cover: 1. The main pre and post harvest pests, disease and weeds of major food crops, with particular emphasis on Western Australian agriculture. 2. Approaches to management of pre and post harvest pests, diseases and weeds, related regulation and market access 3. Emerging technologies that may transform approaches to crop and pasture management and post harvest storage. 4. Advanced and future science involved in improving crop quality for new demands