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Learning outcomes

Social, economic and environmental factors underpinning food production and consumption;
Influence of globalisation, media, commerce, technology and culture on food choices;
Issue of global food security and social justice and our responsibilities regarding sustainable and ethical food choice.
A capacity to be a self-directed learner and thinker and to study and work independently;
Tolerance and mutual respect in team discussions (online and in tutorials);
An ability to research, summarise, critically analyse, apply and synthesise knowledge to address problems or issues from different perspectives;
Communication of ideas through written and oral presentations.


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Additional information

Unit content:The primary function of this unit is to compare, contrast and critically evaluate diverse perspectives on food issues. Lectures will provide the stimulus for critical thinking, with tutorials and online discussions devoted to further analysis of lecture materials with an aim to unpack and explore topics in greater detail. Tutorial exercises are designed to allow you to work within a team to consider different approaches and to reflect on areas of tolerance/bias and personal world views. The assessment items expect you to research the literature and read widely to develop your understanding of the topic and to be able to summarise, critically analyse and communicate this information in tutorials and written assessments.
Other notes:This is a University-Wide Breadth Unit, if this unit is undertaken as part of the Sociology major it may not also be counted towards the breadth unit requirement.