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Learning outcomes

List the five core branches of classical philosophy and discuss the issues relating to the structure of knowledge and justification of their limits (epistemology).
Explain the fiduciary duties associated with status professionals and how those duties emerged historically.
Discuss the challenges the chiropractic profession faces both internally and externally, and their historical causes.
Describe the rapidly changing health care landscape – the drivers of change and the mechanisms that will bring about the changes required to meet the health care needs of the population in the 21st Century. Discuss modes of care for primary contact health care providers and their application.
Demonstrate the proper use of the equipment and proper positioning of a patient on the equipment in the chiropractic techniques laboratory.
Demonstrate proficient palpation of the osseous, ligamentous and muscular tissues of the head, abdomen, thorax and pelvis as outlined in this manual.
Demonstrate an ability to apply basic massage techniques.


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Additional information

Unit content:

Essentially the Chiropractic History & Principles component of the Unit is divided into 3 broad
- Professionalism
- Chiropractic history
- Health care reform

The surface anatomy/palpation component of this unit will focus on:
- What is palpation?
- Osseous/ligamentous palpation
- Muscular Palpation

Various basic soft tissue therapy techniques

Other notes:

In the recommended pathway of study for the BSc Chiropractic, CHI109 is an S2 unit. The S1 offering is to meet the needs of students who have been granted Advanced Standing for Semester 1 units, or students who are NOT enrolled in the Chiropractic Science degree and are choosing the unit as a general elective. Students enrolled in the BSc Chiropractic need to seek the approval from the Academic Chair (Chiropractic, years 1-3) to enrol. This unit will only be run in S1 if there is sufficient demand.