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Academic contacts
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Enrolment rules
Enrolment in an initial teacher education course.(B1319, B1329, B1368, B1382, B1383, B1384, B1404, B1405, B1406)
Other learning activities
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Learning activities
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To view assessment information, please select an offering from the drop-down menu above.
Additional information
Unit content:
The unit will introduce you to the beginnings of what it means to be a teacher. Topics will focus on communication, managing classrooms, planning for teaching, the role of schooling, ethics and the profession, diversity and family school relationships and knowing yourself as a reflective practitioner.
Other notes:
Prior to placement in any school for Professional Experience, it is mandatory that pre-service teachers complete or obtain several forms and clearances. Information and forms regarding these mandatory requirements can be accessed via the Education Student Hub on LMS. Completion and submission of these mandatory requirements is essential before placements can be arranged. Without these clearances a student may not proceed in the unit.