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Enrolment rules

Enrolment in an OUA course.

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Learning outcomes

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the breadth and complexity of non-traditional and human security issues in contemporary Southeast Asia.
Evaluate the interconnectedness and political contentiousness of a broad range of security challenges, including who is impacted and how, and the processes by which particular issues are 'securitised'.
Appraise non-traditional and human security issues such as organised crime, environmental security and politically motivated violence.
Analyse the literature pertaining to security in Southeast Asia.
Produce well researched oral and written work that is appropriately referenced and analytically related to the unit's contents.


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Additional information

Unit content:Topics covered in this unit include: * Non-traditional and human security * Organised & transnational crime * Sectarian conflict * Environmental and resource security * Regime violence and right struggles * Political and economic corruption * Gangs, policing and the politics of order making * Poverty, policy and structural violence * Challenges of urbanizing Southeast Asia * Displaced peoples and human trafficking