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Enrolment rules

Students enrolled in MJ-JNLC Journalism are strongly encouraged to enrol in COM300 as their core unit, and recommended to enrol in COM306 as a spine alternative.

Other learning activities

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Learning activities

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Learning outcomes

Use advanced research techniques in a communication discipline to gather, analyse and synthesise information. (CLO1)
Apply communication theory in the field (CLO2)
Demonstrate ethical thinking in interpersonal, social and professional contexts (CLO 3)
Demonstrate relevant critical, professional and technical skills using traditional and digital media in approaching real-life issues and situations (CLO4)
Apply creative and critical thinking skills to address real-life issues and situations (CLO5)
Produce an argument or exposition that illuminates an issue to a broad audience using various means, including text, sound and image. (CLO6)


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Additional information

Unit content:You will be asked to nominate a topic of interest to explore for a project. The project can be a research paper or a piece of professional-standard practice-led research, such as a series of broadcast items, documentary, feature story, digital interpretation or other media production. It can be undertaken individually or in a small team. You will be required to undertake independent research to familiarise yourself with the background, context and critical issues associated with your particular issue/question. Before proceeding, you will need to consider the methods, resources, skills, contacts and strategies you need in order to get the information and other content (literature review, interviews, materials, data etc) for your project and meet the deadline. At this point you will need to consider any ethical, interpersonal and/or professional issues that may arise. Those choosing to create a media production as part of the project, should have a clear idea of the type and scope of the work and a practical and achievable plan of how to produce it with the resources available in the allotted time. Where teams are involved, each team member should understand the contribution expected of them. Once approved by the assigned discipline project supervisor, students will proceed to gather their information and materials (and where appropriate create media content), ensuring they keep their project supervisor informed of progress.