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Enrolment rules
This unit code is restricted to students of M1394 Master of Public Policy, M1194 Master of Public Policy and Management, M1195 Master of Development Studies, and M1266 Master of International Affairs and Security. Students taking this unit as an elective for another course should enrol in GOV6351.
Other learning activities
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Learning activities
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Learning outcomes
Critically compare and contrast theoretical approaches within security studies, including realist, non-traditional, human security and critical security.
Discuss the complexity of contemporary security politics and policy in relation to various security challenges.
Critically analyse a range of contemporary security issues, such as environmental security, and resource conflict and humanitarian interventionism.
Conduct secondary and primary research and communicate this research in a range of formats.
Apply different theoretical and applied approaches in the development of responses or interventions to contemporary security challenges.
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Additional information
Unit content:
This unit consists of 10 topics:
- Introduction to Security
- Understanding Political Violence
- The Changing Face of Conflict and War
- Contentious politics and collective violence
- Climate Security and Resource Conflict
- Urbanisation, infrastructure and conflict
- The Security-Development Nexus
- Violent extremism, in an age of political extremes
- International Interventions: The rise and fall of R2P
- Conflict resolution and Peacebuilding