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Learning outcomes
Use accepted scientific models, principles and concepts in the physical and life sciences to explain observations and phenomena associated with the natural world.
Exercise the science inquiry skills associated with the primary to middle secondary years of the Western Australian Curriculum: Science, with particular focus on explaining the principles of, developing and executing a fair test investigation.
Additional information
* Thinking and Working Scientifically * Chemistry: States of Matter * Chemistry: Physical Changes and Chemical Reactions * Physics: Forces (Motion) * Physics: Energy (Motion) * Biology: Observable Features, Life Cycles, Adaptations * Ecology: Food Chains & Food Webs * Earth Science: Biogeochemical cycles * Earth Science: Plate tectonics & Earth Surface Changes * Space Science: Solar System
Primary teacher education students may seek credit (meaning that another Part I unit of the same point value will be necessary) if they have completed ATAR Physics and Chemistry with an average of more than 65%. Students need to consult their Academic Chair to gain this credit.