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Learning outcomes
Communicate a sound theoretical knowledge of the structural organisation of all human body systems.
Provide a practical understanding of human body structure and function by explaining and applying the interrelationships between body systems.
Apply anatomical evidence to demonstrate biological evolution in humans.
Identify and communicate major anatomical structures through observation and dissection of animal material.
Develop an appropriate vocabulary to effectively communicate information related to the anatomy of the human body.
Develop the personal, professional, and social responsibility of ethical conduct and behaviour required in the application of dissecting animal material.
Additional information
Theory and practical components relating to the human body plan; cells and tissues; the following body systems: integument, skeletal, muscular, respiratory, cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, nervous, lymphatic, endocrine and urinary; human evolution; and ageing.
Optional: Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) are available for this unit.
Unit-coordinator can be contacted via BMS101@murdoch.edu.au