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Learning outcomes
Demonstrate capacity for cross-cultural communication in Australian and Asian in-country contexts.
Demonstrate an appropriate level of language fluency and/or understand how language is used in a range of social, professional and other contexts.
Understand the specific aims, structure, processes, and dynamics affecting your placement/project in order to apply and adapt your role and skills effectively and appropriately.
Communicate and apply knowledge acquired in Humanities and Social Science studies in an Asian field-placement or research project.
Demonstrate the skills required to carry out set tasks independently and collaboratively as a member of a team.
Analyse reflexively and respond creatively to the practical challenges in your practicum role in a cross-cultural environment.
Additional information
This unit is intended to include projects that involve internship, practicum, and other study or professional experience in the Asian region; or alternatively a research project with an Asian focus undertaken within Australia. Students must obtain approval of the Academic Chair prior to enrolment.
See also AST3841, a 6 point expansion of this unit that may be used to undertake a longer-term Practicum/Internship in the Asian region that includes a research component.
The listed Unit Learning Objectives vary as relevant to a) field placements / internships or b) Asian language and cultural studies or c) Asia focused research projects.
Assessment items will vary with the language, field practicum/internship, or research focus of the Project.