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Academic contacts
To view unit coordinator information, please select an offering from the drop-down menu above.
Enrolment rules
Must be in final year of degree; GPA 2 or higher
Other learning activities
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Learning activities
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Learning outcomes
Effectively integrate and appropriately apply discipline-specific knowledge and skills developed during their degree to make and justify decisions made in a real world context of the workplace.
Reflect upon decisions, personal choices and actions in the workplace and critically appraise there appropriateness.
Demonstrate a high level of understanding of real world challenges and opportunities
Demonstrate workplace competencies: professionalism, confidentiality, communication, responsibility for decision-making, and organisational, cultural & social awareness.
Demonstrate articulate, persuasive, communication skills, including preparing and delivering written reports and oral presentations to a professional standard
To view assessment information, please select an offering from the drop-down menu above.
Additional information
Unit content:
Content in this unit is tailored to the specific placement
Other notes:
Acceptance into the unit depends upon a demonstrated continuous high standard of academic performance and availability of academic and industry supervisors. Students intending to undertake an internship should make an appointment to see the Unit Coordinator before completing an expression of interest at http://www.murdoch.edu.au/Work-Integrated-Learning/Students/Expression-of-interest/